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                        Lions and Leos Clubs Proudly Serving Oakland and Macomb Counties, Michigan U.S.A.



The Lions of Michigan Youth Exchange Program

May Be Looking For You


Lions Youth Exchange Logo



Lions of Michigan Youth Exchange Program offers summer opportunities for youth to travel, to expand their knowledge of family and community life in other cultures. 

Young people between the ages of 16 and 21 may participate.  Youths traveling must be of good health, both mentally and physically, and be willing to learn new customs and cultures.   Knowledge of foreign languages is not mandatory, except in France where the participant must have previously studied at least one year of French.  However, some knowledge of the country that a youth chooses to travel is helpful.

Each cultural exchange is approximately four to eight weeks long, depending on the country to be visited.  Youths traveling on the program are responsible for their fees and fares but may write to local Lions clubs and organizations to request sponsorship.  Youths traveling on the program stay with Lions approved families. 

We are also looking for families who would like to host a youth for three to six weeks in the winter or summer months.

For more information on the Lions of Michigan Youth Exchange Program please contact:

Shawn Blaszczyk, PRC

Mike Dalecke, PZC

Donna Quinn





Host Family Application

Other Documents

Green Pencil
Spread Sheet Application
Green Pencil
Things you will need
Green Pencil
Indemnity Waver
Green Pencil
Youth Exchange FAQ's 
Green Pencil 
2011-12 costs
Green Pencil
Youth Exchange Brochure

Picture Gallery

100_1464.jpg (820759 bytes) Marie Gozde 100_1809.jpg (935661 bytes)
LION SHAWN AND GENEVA BLASZCZYK with EVA from Germany mac bridge 2006.jpg (1447572 bytes)

Thank You Letters


C. Homrich

 Alan Lardie



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Copyright @ 2006-2010 Lions District 11-A2