Lions International Logo   Lions Clubs District 11-A2  


                        Lions and Leos Clubs Proudly Serving Oakland and Macomb Counties, Michigan U.S.A.



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Honored District 11-A2 Award Recipients:


The Harold L "POC" Pocklington

Distinguished Service Award Recipients:

1985 Harold L Pocklington 1985 Robert A Stevens
1986 Dr Wallace M O'Brien 1988 Robert H Wright
1989 James K Rogers 1990 Leonard Kaiser
1991 Robert G Wylin 1992 Joseph M Wilson
1993 Harold Geppert 1994 Steve Messina
1995 Edward M Lange Jr. 1996 Dr Irving W Scheel
1997 Bill Klingensmith 1998 Celia Domalewski
1999 James R Leach Sr. 2000 John Walker
2001 Frank Cunningham & Cosmo 2002 Bill Hansen
2003 Jack Becher 2004 Keith Kennedy
2005 Paul Hemeryck 2006 Gerald Griffin
2007 Robert White 2008 Ron Papa Sr.
2009 William "Doc" Barr    


S. A. Dodge:

Distinguished Service Award Recipients:

1967-68 Richard Young 1974-75 Bill Spence
1979-80 T Ralph Alexander 1983-84 Dr Wallace O'Brien
1986-87 Harold Geppert 1993-94 Al Kassin
1999-00 Paul Hemeryck 2002-03 John Walker
2003-04 Bill Klingensmith 2004-05 Bill Hansen
2005-06 Bill (Doc) Barr 2007-08 Robert Jenkins
2011-12 Frank Cunningham 2014-15 James Leach, Sr.
2019-2020 Jack Becher 2020-21 Ron Papa



Ambassador of Goodwill

Award Recipients:

Al Kassin   - Lake Orion Lions
John Walker - Sterling Heights Lions
Bill Hansen - Rochester Lions
Bill Klingensmith - Sterling Heights Lions



Ralph Lynam

Award Recipients:


Paul Nicholas PZC
Jack Becher PDG
Vince Marinelli


Ray Calms PDG
Gerald Griffin Sr. PDG
Tom Keliher
Robert Stevens PDG


Kathy Osgood-Hamiman
Stan Seger PDG
Don Vogel PDG
Roy Warren PDG


Pat Cook PDDG
Jim Westbury PDM


Hal Geppert PDG
Carole Goff MA CCC
Norm Nakkula
Michael Rolnick PH D


George Baxter PDDG
Dick Carvell PZC
Herb Goodall
Connie Shelton


Earl English
Robert Klebba PRC
Jean Mellis Ma CCC
Jim Rogers PDG
Larry Young PID


Phillip Calanda
Josephine Graham
Nellie "Bea" Morgan PRC
William Stevens


Leo Bathe
Bill Klingensmith PDG
Robert Westbury


Paul Hemeryck PDG


Stan Daniels DDS


Charles Marinelli DDS
Susan Marinelli


Bill Brennan


Nellie "Bea" Morgan PRC


Lewis Moeller PDG


Dick Belloli PRC


Kristine Rutkowski and staff of
William Beaumont Silent Children


Charles Carvell PZC




Mary Malmberg


Lauraine Pettinato


Judy Kukuk

2010 Ken Borhl 2012 Eldon Kukuk
2013 Jim Pettinato 2018 Ron Papa

Leader Dogs President Award

2008 Frank Cunningham
2009 Paul Hemeryck
2010 Nancy Tokarz
2014 Ronald Papa, Sr.
2015 James Leach, Sr.
2016 Rich Pfeiffer
2017 Cathy McAdams
2018 David McKenzie
2019 Valarie Birmingham
2020 Thomas Hill

District 11-A2 Distinguished Service Award

2011 Doug Thorpe
2012 Jim Leach, Jr.
2013 Kimberly K. Thiede
2014 Kay Furby
2015 Amy Bineau
2016 Richard Pfeiffer
2017 Dick Maxwell
2018 Bob Bobee
2019 David McKenzie
2020 Paul Ostby
2021 Larry Cole
2022 Roger Blackwell

Lions of Michigan Service Foundation
Hall Of Fame

2009 Bill Hansen - John Walker
2010 Bob Jenkins - Doc Shields
2011 Al Kassin - Doctor Wallace O’Brien
2012 Frank Cunningham
2013 Al Van Thomme
2014 Paul Hemeryck
2015 "Doc" Barr - Esther LaMothe
2016 Gerald Griffin - James Leach, Sr.
2017 Bill Klingensmith
2018 Ron Papa
2019 Tony Capozzo

LIONS Visually Impaired Youth Camp
Founders Award Recipients
(11-A2 Affiliation)

1995 Al Kassin - Vince Marinelli
1996 Keith Kennedy - Paul Hemeryck
1997 Elsie Kassin - Steve Messina
1998 Mark Gualdoni - Bob Wylin
1999 Al Lindsey - James Leach, Jr.
2000 Leader Dogs - Anthony Coccia
2001 Don Miller - Jack Becher
2002 - Paul Grake
2005 Terrance Treppa
2007 Beulah Gray
2011 Jim Pettinato - Jim Lykins
2012 Delores Charles



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Copyright @ 2006-2010 Lions District 11-A2