Adult male Lion front shot with full main

Welcome to District 11-A2's Website

For Lions, Lioness and Leos Clubs

 Proudly Serving Macomb and Oakland Counties of Michigan. U.S.A.

map of lower michigan with district 11-a2 highlighted

Current Time and Date for Eastern Time Zone U.S.A.

This page contains links to all of the public postings for this district. We hope that good judgment will be used on public postings . Please remember this is a family site. Any abuse will result in one warning to stop and your posting will be removed. The second time will result in permanent denial from your IP address to this site.

District Event Postings

We use this discussion to record upcoming events in our district please include all pertinent information for your event/s

District Discussions Postings

We use this discussion to record discussions between all clubs. All forms of discussion is welcome as long as it pertains to Lion Business.

*Note: This website is designed with screen reading programs in mind, therefore graphics are kept to a minimum.*

Copyright 2006  Lions Club District 11-A2

All rights reserved. No part of this website may be reproduced or incorporated into any information without the written permission of the copyright owner, the owner may be contacted at the following Email address: webmaster
For problems or questions regarding this Web site contact: the webmaster
Last updated: 04/27/06.

Website design  Donated by Digital Age LLC